
I dedicate this initiative and work to my dearest grandparents
and aunt who are always in my heart!

Dear language enthusiasts,

Lingua.ge is the first and only Digital Georgian Verb Conjugation Dictionary.

Currently, we provide more than 800 Georgian verbs that come with short linguistic descriptions, all possible conjugated forms, imperatives, and synonyms. Lingua.ge is continually updated by our experts and professionals and supplemented with trusted, established sources, including Georgian Orthographic Dictionary, Georgian Explanatory dictionary, Basics of Georgian Grammar, Morphology (A. Shanidze), Georgian School Orthographic Dictionary, The system of Conjugation of Georgian Verb (D. Melikishvili).

Lingua.ge also offers translation and editorial services; four types of membership plan for learning lovers and enthusiasts; Word of the Day; Verb in Action, Georgian literary works in Georgian and in foreign languages, free Online Conversational Class, and Georgian Book Club on a biweekly basis.
